Tuesday, 5 June 2012

I have news....

something very cool happened to me today.  I'm an Oprah fan - we've actually been to Chicago and have seen 2 of her shows on the same trip.  It was absolutely amazing....a big check off my bucket list.  Anyway....I digress................I was very excited to see that she had resurrected her book club in a new online format Oprah's Book Club 2.0.  Her first pick is:
Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Coast Trail
by Cheryl Strayed

I haven't read very far into it but right away I was hooked.  Not hooked because of the hiking - which I haven't even gotten to but hooked because of her writing about her mother's death.  For the first time in 8 years since my mother died I was reading my exact feelings coming from someone else.  Suffice to say that I suffered great grief when my mother passed - unlike anything I had experienced and Cheryl Strayed described my experience so perfectly it took my breath away.  I was surfing around the Oprah site today and decided to leave a comment for the author, to thank her for writing so beautifully and eloquently about an experience that I've never been able to adequately describe for myself.  And guess what?  I got an email back from the "Oprah Community Bulletin Board" thanking me for writing and asking for my shipping information so that they could send me an autographed copy of the book as a thank you for my comments.  Wow, eh?  Isn't that exciting?  I'm excited! 

Knitting content will return but I just had to share!

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